Saturday, January 5, 2013

2012..what a year. mmg dah trlambat nak recap balik apa yg berlaku pada 2012 sebab at sudden i was really busy. busy & sakit kepala.

Well, 2012 was my CHANGE year and i'm so glad to meet all the awesome people. if u think kind people does'nt exist, well they actually right in front of u. if u just open a space for other & be kind, then he/she also will show u kindness that u never imagine.

well,tell u to change are'nt easy. I had a negative stigma even from my family. they think i'm out of my mind, i'm so 'kekampungan',yada yada. But i hold to my faith, i believe that i do this because Allah had give me a hidayah to change. So why i must waste it? Allah had show me the right path of life, and i realise how life is something so tough and full of torn. Especially if u're in the right track.But with Allah besides u,insyaallah He will make you stronger. Life is bitter, because heaven is so sweet.

I alaways had a thought to be someone that have the power to control other. Like a school prefect. I always had a tantrum because i had to listen to someone higher position than me. But then Allah show me how it is like to be a leader. and pufft.. it's really hard. Please don't ever ask for a responsibility, it's so hard yet if you're making mistakes,it could be the reason u been dragged to hell.

And once again, i'm glad to meet friends that never fail to makes me smile, to share my tears, & to my old friends that i always refer if i had a problem. To classmate that always give me support. Roomates that so cool & kind-hearted former roomates that i never forget. i realised how many people actually around me that all these while i ignore them.

2012 teach me about something i never know that makes me more matured. Call orang penting, berhubung dgn pihak atasan, meeting sampai pukul 3, usrah yang osem & membuka minda, jadi orang yang laju bekerja,bawa kete manual di highway dgn kelajuan 80 km/jam di lorong laju (i think i gonna die that day),kereta rosak, raya di rumah kawan yg sangat jauh, 'mandi' sungai tengah malam, panjat pokok...dan banyak lagi yg mmg mencabar jati diri gadis pasif macam aku ni.

In a conclusion, hardship do make u stronger. Even u think u gonna die when having a problem, go through with an ease heart. Chill, Allah is with u. Make a tasbih towards him everyday so that u not forget that He is not forgetting u.
Sayonara & arigato 2012. I'll always love you.

2013, i'm waiting for more challenge from you. Till then. Assalamualaikum.

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